Prickly Pear Cactus from the Galapagos

Agave Americana Variegata Spreading Its Tentacles

Agave Americana Variegata Well Spread

Golden Barrel Cactus

Peruvian Apple Cactus

Short Leaves of the Madagascar Ocotillo

Spikes of the Madagascar Ocotillo

White Polka Dot Cactus Heading Towards the Rocks

Corked Agave

Candelabra Plant Rising

Golden Lace on a Stone

Big Variegated Century Plant

The Flower Spike of the Century Plant

Little Buds on the Cactus

Giant Saguaro

Haworthia Reinwardtii Amongst the Rocks

Spiked Ferocactus

Pachypodium Trees Under Shadows and Lights

Cow's Horn Cactus

Little Crimson Bloom